Baby Teeth.........They Really Are A Big Deal
Our babies are a gift! I am a mother of three.......I have a ten year old, six year old.....and a brand new baby boy who is 11 weeks old. Of course the first two have already started the journey of loosing teeth and that awkward phase of gaps/huge teeth/and yes, crooked teeth. I'm sure braces are in the very near future!
But my newest addition, no teeth yet! I say that......but do you know what babies are born with all their teeth? They are just hidden in the gum line waiting til its time to break through! I suspect he may start teething early.......boy already loves to gnaw on fingers!
I want to talk about the bottle.......unless you baby is strictly a breast baby, most babies at sometime or another receive a bottle. Nothing wrong with the bottle......thank God for it! But the bottle is something all parents need to be aware of, when it comes to baby teeth!
When Should My Child Visit the Dentist Queen Creek AZ 85142 Sucking is a natural instinct for babies----they need this instinct to survive. But sucking on anything that isn't water (including the breast) for to long can contribute to tooth decay. Bottle tooth decay happens when babies drink milk, formula, or juice out of bottles over long periods of time. The best way to avoid this is to take the bottle away from your baby as soon as he/she is done drinking, and do not put your baby to bed with a bottle. Teach him/her to self soothe, or to take water from a sippy cup. When Should My Child Visit the Dentist Queen Creek AZ 85142
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